(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

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Historic Preservation Plan

Bernards Township is endowed with historic buildings, structures and districts that remind us of the important role this region played in the revolutionary war. The historic farmsteads that surrounded the crossroads settlements at Basking Ridge and Liberty Corner serve as reminders of the lifestyles of those early settlers and their descendants. 

As Bernards faces the challenges of a new century, the town’s historic resources will likely come under attack in some quarters.  While the preservation of historic sites and districts serves to promote the value of surrounding properties, many of these sites have the potential for significantly more development.  When the real estate development opportunity afforded by the township zoning is sufficiently attractive, historic buildings will come under threat.  The purpose of the Historic Preservation Plan is to identify existing historic and cultural resources as listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places and set forth the criteria that is used to evaluate such resources and may be applied to potentially historically significant resources found within Bernards Township. 

Click on the following link to view the Historic Preservation Plan, part of the Bernards Township's Master Plan:  https://www.bernards.org/government/forms/clerk/history/4391-bernards-township-2023-master-plan-historic-preservation-plan/file