(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

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Fire Prevention Bureau


Engineering Services Building
277 South Maple Avenue
Basking Ridge, NJ


8:30AM - 4:30PM
Monday - Friday



Fire Prevention Bureau

The Fire Prevention Bureau enforces the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code within the Township of Bernards. The Bureau performs regular inspections of buildings open to the public to ensure the safety of the residents and visitors of the Township. Our inspectors regularly check for fire safety violations in all commercial, educational, healthcare, public, assembly, and other types of buildings and properties that are required to have inspections under state laws. Also, whenever a residential property changes hands, a special inspection is required. In addition to inspections, we also provide fire safety education in schools and community organizations jointly with the Liberty Corner and Basking Ridge Fire Companies. Our staff are also dually trained as Fire Investigators and perform investigations within the Township when fires occur.

The Bernards Township Fire Prevention Bureau provides fire safety educational programs and talks to all ages, from children to adults.

October is National Fire Prevention month. Our Fire Prevention Bureau along with the Basking Ridge Fire Company and Liberty Corner Fire Company teach Fire Safety Education to the schools in Bernards Township.

If you would like a Fire Safety Educational Program, please contact the Bernard’s Township Fire Prevention Bureau.

External Links

--> Title 5: Community Affairs
--> Chapter 70: Uniform Fire Code
Contains general safety requirements for all buildings.
to the New Jersey State Division of Fire Safety.
 update and view your registration.