to the Department of Public Works.
Online Services
Follow the instructions for zoning payments and items that are sealed and need to be submitted to the office.
ECode 360 includes all enacted ordinances.
Immediate online access is available on this page for construction permits, property records, sales and realty transfers and Township Ordinances. No OPRA Request required.
OPRA is a law that allows you to request identifiable township records. An OPRA request must be sufficiently precise so that the Records Custodian can identify the documents you seek. OPRA allows request for records, not request for information. Township officials are not obligated to research township records to ascertain which records, if any, might be responsive to a broad and unclear OPRA request. The township has seven business days to reply to an OPRA request.
Requests for Body Worn Camera (BWC) footage will incur a special service charge due to the extraordinary expenditure of time and effort needed to fulfill these requests. Requestors will be charged eighty dollars ($80) per hour, or fraction thereof, of BWC footage requested. This fee considers the time required for personnel to review BWC video for privacy concerns, tag the videos with the identified privacy concerns, then apply redactions consistent with NJ Attorney General guidance. The requestor will be provided with an estimated cost prior to fulfilling the request and must remit payment prior to the request being fulfilled.