(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Online Services
Payments / Recreation 


Pleasant Valley Park
Valley Road
Basking Ridge, NJ

Managed and Maintained By

Bernards Township Parks & Recreation
1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ
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Pleasant Valley Pool

Photo ID Hours

Photos may be taken at the Bernard's Township Recreation Office located in Town Hall at 1 Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, NJ during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:00pm
  • Extended Photo Hours until 7:00pm: February 3, March 17, April 28, May 19 and June 9
  • Recreation Office will be CLOSED on the following Holidays: February 17, April 18, May 26 and July 4

Township residents are eligible for the family, two-person, single and senior membership categories. Non-Residents are eligible for the family and single membership categories.  Membership information is available in January for the upcoming season.

NEW FOR 2025:

  • Visitors age 1 and older must have either a membership or be a paid guest of a member to enter the facility. Visitors age 11 months and younger may visit as a guest of a member at no charge.
  • The minimum age for a Resident Senior Membership remains 60 years old for 2025. In 2026 the minimum age will increase to 61 and in 2027 it will increase to 62.

PURCHASE EARLY & SAVE! Our Early Payment membership rates are in effect through March 31st and include 2 complimentary guest visit credits for the 2025 season. Rates increase to the regular rate on April 1st and complimentary credits will no longer be offered.

To Purchase by Mail or In-Person: Print and complete a Membership Renewal Invoice or a Membership Application (new members) and follow the instructions to mail or drop off with check payment.

Photo ID Reminders:  All members must present their membership Photo ID every time they visit the facility. If you have lost your membership ID card, visit our office for a complimentary replacement with your paid membership through February 28. Starting March 1, the fee to replace a lost ID card is $10.00.

Discounted Guest Visit Credits are also available through March 31st:  $110 for 10 Visits, Valid Any Day during the 2025 operating season.  Regular Guest Fees for Ages 3 & Older are  $12 Weekdays; $15 Weekends; $8 after 4pm.

Questions? Call 908-204-3003 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Accepting Applications for Lifeguards, Maintenance & Customer Relations

About the Pool

Pleasant Valley Pool is conveniently located within Pleasant Valley Park on Valley Road in Basking Ridge. The complex consists of four separate pool areas, a full service concession stand and plenty of onsite parking.

Whether you prefer reading poolside or a lap swim workout, you will enjoy doing it here. Throughout the summer we offer activities, special events, swim lessons and a swim team program...all for our members’ enjoyment!

Features include:

  • 50 meter Main Pool with diving area
  • Training Pool with twist slide
  • Water Play Area with slides and interactive water features
  • Wading Pool & Splash Area for children under 5
  • Lifejackets, lounge chairs, shuffleboard and bocce courts
  • Swim lessons, swim team, special events and activities
  • Restrooms and changing areas
  • Full service concession stand

Hold Harmless Statement

By accepting membership, I hereby accept membership privileges for myself and family members listed on the membership and agree that this is a voluntary choice. I acknowledge that there are certain risks inherent with being a member, and I agree to accept all of the consequences and assume the risks involved with membership. I give permission to the Township to provide emergency care as necessary for the well being of myself and my family until such time as a designated emergency contact may be reached. I understand and acknowledge that Bernards Township is not responsible for any loss, damages or injury to any person or property for any reason associated with my and/or my child’s/dependent’s participation in the activities associated with this membership. In light of the above, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless and release Bernards Township from any and all liability for any and all injuries that I and/or my child/dependent may sustain as a result of participation in this activity. This includes, but is not limited to, responsibility for the payment of any and all doctor, medical or hospital bills resulting from any and all injuries to me and/or my child/dependent. I grant Bernards Township the right to use any and all photographs of myself or my child participating in a Department sponsored activity for future media promotion. I confirm that I have read and understand the rules outlined in the Membership Handbook and the Recreation Department's registration policies and procedures.