(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

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Gas Pipeline Facts and Information for Bernards Township


  • There are 3 major interstate pipelines which run through Bernards Township
  • Algonquin: owned and operated by Spectra Energy Transmission, enters Bernards from Bridgewater west of Somerville Road, runs northwest past the municipal building, exiting Bernards into Harding Township and the Great Swamp. It runs in a 75' easement.
  • Texas Eastern: owned and operated by Spectra Energy Transmission in same easement as Algonquin.
  • Transcontinental: owned and operated by Williams, enters Bernards from Bridgewater just east of Somerville Road, runs east paralleling Route 78, exiting Bernards into Long Hill Township east of King George Road. This pipeline runs adjacent to PSE&G's high tension electricity lines.
  • .
  • Interstate Pipeline safety and rules fall under the domain of the US Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) (the San Bruno pipeline was an intrastate line, under the safety oversight of the California BPU).
  • Major safety legislation that gave most stringent guidelines to interstate pipelines was enacted in 2002 entitled "Pipeline Safety Improvement Act"
  • Both Williams and Spectra say they are in full compliance with the PSIA
  • The OPS runs the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) which utilizes GIS technology to map and keep safety/inspection information on pipelines


  • Bernards pipelines are in their highest safety priority zones
  • Spectra exceeds all federal interstate safety guidelines
  • Multiple aerial inspections are done weekly
  • Look for construction/landscaping activity in pipeline
  • Look for criminal activity
  • Look for signs of leaks (plant species disruption, bulges, etc.)
  • The vast majority of pipeline problems are caused by construction/landscaping activity
  • The full length of the Bernards lines are “pigged” at least annually
  • “Pigs” are technologically advanced devices that travel within the lines that measure abrasions, bulges, wall thickness, flows, etc.
  • San Bruno lines were not “pigged” – a major deficiency in inspection capability

Pipeline Safety Links