Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Bernards Township Library

November 28, 2018




President Kippy Piedici called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Bernards Township Lower Level Conference Room.



In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law of 1975, notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Reception Hall of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge and the Bernards Township Library Public Notices bulletin board; was mailed to The Bernardsville News, Bernardsville and the Courier News, Somerville; was filed with the Township Clerk; and was posted on both the Township’s website and the Library’s website.




4.     ROLL CALL

Present:  Karen Kogut, Richard Mazzio, Mary Jane McNally, Tim Opremcak [arr. 7:33], Vivian Pagoulatos, Kippy Piedici, and Cynthia Yin [arr. 7:23]

Absent:  John Carpenter and Zina Pozner

Also Present: Ruth Lufkin



Kathi Paton introduced herself as a member of the public who is interested in the Library.



MOTION 18-40 was made by Vivian Pagoulatos and seconded by Richard Mazzio to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2018 meeting as written.  With Karen Kogut abstaining, the motion passed unanimously. 



·         Kippy welcomed Karen Kogut to the Board.  Karen recounted her work background and volunteer experiences.  Her IT background makes her a natural fit to serve on the technology committee.

·         Richard Mazzio volunteered to serve as chair of the Board’s Nominating Committee.  As specified in the bylaws, Treasurer Vivian Pagoulatos and Secretary Mary Jane McNally will also serve on the committee that will present a proposed slate of officers at the December Board meeting to be voted on at the January reorganization meeting.

·         Kippy reported that she attended several informative sessions at the annual NJLTA Trustee Institute that was held on October 27 in East Brunswick.

·         Kippy polled the Board members who determined that the December 19 Board meeting should start at 7:00 pm to allow sufficient time for Anthony Iovino’s presentation.



·         Ruth described the early learning toy kits donated by Aileen Larkin from The Uncommon Thread.  These toy kits fit in very well with the emphasis placed by the Children’s Library on early literacy.

·         Ruth is continuing to develop her thoughts on self-checkout and will have more information to share at the December 19 Board meeting. 

·         The Library realized $760 from the Township Auction of obsolete and redundant items. 

·         Ruth commended Teen Services Librarian Rachel Talbert for her programming efforts.  The Library After-Hours:  Mini Golf event attracted 25 participants. 



A.    Treasurer/Finance—Vivian Pagoulatos

·         Spending is on track.  Lines that appear to be underspent (e.g. General plant expense and general repairs) will have major purchases charged against them in the next few weeks.

·         The children’s programs (51%) may not be fully expended – it’s a balancing act with the budget vs the generosity of the Friends.

·         2019 budget construction is on target, waiting for Sean McCarthy, Township CFO, to provide complete salary and pension figures.  Karen Andriolo, Debbie Merghart, and Karen Vaias are working with Ruth on budget development.


B.    Friends of the Library Liaison—Richard Mazzio

Richard met with Noah Ginter regarding the Friends’ involvement with fundraising efforts.  Noah is comfortable with starting to approach smaller local businesses.  The Friends also made a first attempt to capitalize on #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving popularized through social media.


C.   Land and Building—Cynthia Yin

No report


D.    Legislation & Advocacy—Mary Jane McNally

No report


E.   Personnel—Mary Jane McNally

No report


F.   Strategic Plan—

Kippy reminded the Board that it will need to focus on other aspects of the Strategic Plan in the coming year.


G.   Technology—Tim Opremcak

No report


H.    Township Committee Liaison—John Carpenter

No report



·         Vivian reviewed the Letter to the Editor campaign that she had initiated earlier in the year.  She suggested that recent and planned YA programming would be a good topic for the next letter. 

·         Mary Jane reported on the MUF meeting that she and Ruth attended November 6 in Morristown.  She described the function of the Federation and distributed a flyer outlining each library’s area of responsibility in collection development.



·         Ruth extended an invitation to the Trustees to attend the Library’s Staff Holiday Luncheon Wednesday, December 12, 2018 from noon to 2:00 pm.

·         MOTION 18-41 was made by Richard Mazzio and seconded by Vivian Pagoulatos to adjourn the meeting at 7:42.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         The next meeting of the Bernards Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., December 19, 2018.