Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Bernards Township Library

March 28, 2018




Resident Kippy Piedici called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Bernards Township Library Lower Level Conference Room.




In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law of 1975, notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Reception Hall of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge and the Bernards Township Library Public Notices bulletin board; was mailed to The Bernardsville News, Bernardsville and the Courier News, Somerville; was filed with the Township Clerk; and was posted on both the Township’s website and the Library’s website.






4.     ROLL CALL

Present:  John Carpenter, Mary Jane McNally, Tim Opremcak, Vivian Pagoulatos [arrived 7:33 pm], Kippy Piedici, Scott Ross, Santosh Subramanian, and Cynthia Yin

Absent:  Zina Pozner

Also Present: Ruth Lufkin




There was no public comment.




MOTION 18-12 was made by Tim Opremcak and seconded by Vivian Pagoulatos to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2018 meeting as written.  With John Carpenter, Scott Ross, and Santosh Subramanian abstaining, the motion passed unanimously.




·         Kippy introduced newly appointed Township Administrator Pat Monaco to the Board. Mr. Monaco and the Board discussed backup power options in light of the recent power outages.  The discussion included the comparative merits of solar panels with battery backup, power generators, power storage devices, and funding options. 

·         Mr. Monaco will reach out to Hatch Mott MacDonald, who performed an assessment of power generators for the township several years ago, to investigate and provide an estimate for power generator options (diesel and natural gas) and power storage options (Tesla batteries and The Cube).

·         Kippy thanked Scott Ross for his service to the Board.  This is Scott’s last meeting because he is relocating out of state.



·         Ruth praised the staff for their professional response after the power outages.

·         Ruth alerted the Board to the annual MUF Dinner, which will be Wednesday, May 2 at Luna Rossa in Bedminster. Kathleen Carr, former Head of Human Resources, Ocean County Library, will speak on the importance and challenges of maintaining staff discipline and morale. This will qualify towards the annual trustee training requirement.  .




A.    Treasurer/Finance—Vivian Pagoulatos

·         Vivian reported that the Library’s 1/3 mill allocation has been distributed to the appropriate budget lines.

·         Charges for the additional Unitemp service and repairs to the leaky roof will be reflected next month.


B.    Friends of the Library Liaison—Scott Ross

Scott reported that the Friends are on track to mail their Annual Fund Drive   solicitation letters early to mid-May.


C.   Land and Building—Cynthia Yin

Cynthia reported that the noise abatement in the program room is close to being finished.  The final step calls for Unitemp to install an additional damper, rebalance all diffusers, and adjust fan speed.


D.   Legislation & Advocacy—Mary Jane McNally

·         Mary Jane reported that the recently signed federal budget includes funding for library programs at the same level as 2017.

·         Kippy mentioned NJLA’s continuing efforts to raise the State Per Capita Aid program from the FY11 level of $3.6 million.


E.   Personnel—Mary Jane McNally

Ruth is preparing a staffing proposal that will be presented to the Board next month.


F.   Policy—Zina Pozner

No report


G.   Strategic Plan—Santosh Subramanian

Santosh initiated a discussion of architect Anthony Iovono’s proposal to explore the next stage of the Library’s renovation.  This next phase will explore making the best use of the upper entrance sequence including the reference/circulation/pc space, the lower corridor, the Children’s Library, and modifications to the entrances.  MOTION 18-13 was made by Santosh and seconded by Vivian to contract with Mr. Iovino for conceptual planning study services in the amount of $10,700.  With a roll call vote, the motion passed 8-0-0.


H.   Technology—Tim Opremcak

Tim mentioned that the committee discussed ways to restructure the tech support position formerly held by Ryan McCloskey.


I.      Township Committee Liaison—John Carpenter

No report




            There was no Old Business.




·         MOTION 18-14 was made by Santosh Subramanian and seconded by Scott Ross to adjourn the meeting at 8:31.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         The next meeting of the Bernards Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., April 25, 2018.