Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Bernards Township Library

June 27 2018




President Kippy Piedici called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Bernards Township Library Lower Level Conference Room.




In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law of 1975, notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Reception Hall of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge and the Bernards Township Library Public Notices bulletin board; was mailed to The Bernardsville News, Bernardsville and the Courier News, Somerville; was filed with the Township Clerk; and was posted on both the Township’s website and the Library’s website.






4.     ROLL CALL

Present:  Mary Jane McNally, Tim Opremcak, Kippy Piedici, Zina Pozner, and Cynthia Yin

Absent: John Carpenter, Aileen Larkin, and Vivian Pagoulatos

Resigned:  Santosh Subramanian

Also Present: Ellen Ryan




There was no public comment.




MOTION 18-27 was made by Tim Opremcak and seconded by Zina Pozner to approve the minutes of the May 30, 2018 meeting as written.  The motion passed unanimously.




·         Kippy reported that the Township Committee has appointed Aileen Larkin Carr to the Board to fill Scott Ross’ unexpired term.

·         Unfortunately, due to increased work responsibilities, Santosh Subramanian has resigned from the Board.




·         Children’s Supervising Librarian Ellen Ryan, who represented Ruth at this meeting, reported that Summer Reading programs are in full swing.  A significant number of people have registered for children’s, teen, and adult programs. 

·         Rachel Talbert has begun her new position as Teen Services Librarian. 

·         Ellen also informed the Board that vacancies in Reference and Circulation have been filled.






A.    Treasurer/Finance—Vivian Pagoulatos

In Vivian’s absence, Kippy reported that that spending is on target.


B.    Friends of the Library Liaison—

Kippy stated that the Friends are concentrating on their Annual Fund Drive.


C.   Land and Building—Cynthia Yin

No report.


D.    Legislation & Advocacy—Mary Jane McNally

Mary Jane reported that the state budget is still being negotiated.  The library community is hoping for an increase in per capita state aid and library network funding. 


E.   Personnel—Mary Jane McNally

MOTION 18-28 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded by Tim Opremcak to acknowledge the hiring of Jeffrey Gutkin, part-time Librarian – Reference.  The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION 18-29 was made by Cynthia Yin and seconded by Zina Pozner to acknowledge the hiring of Alison Peterson, part-time Library Assistant – Adult Circulation.  The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION 18-30 was made by Tim Opremcak and seconded by Cynthia Yin to acknowledge the hiring of Luciane Cerri, part-time Library Assistant – Adult Circulation.  The motion passed unanimously.


F.   Policy—Zina Pozner

No report


G.   Strategic Plan—

Kippy reported that architect Anthony Iovino has completed his proposal regarding the next phase of the Library’s space reorganization project.  Todd House, Project Manager for Arcari + Iovino, will meet Friday with Jackie Barber, Karen Vaias, and Kippy.


H.   Technology—Tim Opremcak

Tim reviewed two questions that the committee will consider going forward:

·         With MAIN providing technical assistance what gaps need to be addressed?

·         Now that the Emerging Technologies position has been established and filled, what programs should we be offering?


I.      Township Committee Liaison—John Carpenter

No report




·         Kippy called the Board’s attention to the June 4 letter from Mott Macdonald regarding the Library standby power improvements.  Because the cost of this item is substantial, the Board agreed that an effort should be made to include this item in next year’s capital budget.

·         The Board’s campaign to promote the Library in The Bernardsville News and other local news outlets has begun.  After the summer, Vivian and Kippy will tackle the next topic – explaining the power supply issue and possibly soliciting task force volunteers with an expertise in this area.






·         MOTION 18-31 was made by Tim Opremcak and seconded by Cynthia Yin to cancel the Board meetings that are scheduled for July and August.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         MOTION 18-32 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded by Cynthia Yin to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         The next meeting of the Bernards Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., September 26, 2018.