Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Bernards Township Library

January 24, 2018




Library Director Ruth Lufkin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Bernards Township Library Lower Level Conference Room.




In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law of 1975, notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Reception Hall of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge and the Bernards Township Library Public Notices bulletin board; was mailed to The Bernardsville News, Bernardsville and the Courier News, Somerville; was filed with the Township Clerk; and was posted on both the Township’s website and the Library’s website.






4.     ROLL CALL

Present:  Mary Jane McNally, Vivian Pagoulatos, Kippy Piedici, Zina Pozner, Santosh Subramanian [arrived 7:53 p.m.], and Cynthia Yin

Absent:  John Carpenter, Tim Opremcak, and Scott Ross

Also Present: Ruth Lufkin




In the absence of Nominating Committee chair Santosh Subramanian, committee member Vivian Pagoulatos reviewed the slate of officers first presented at the November 2017 meeting:  President, Kippy Piedici; Vice-President, Zina Pozner; Secretary, Mary Jane McNally; and Treasurer, Vivian Pagoulatos.  With no nominations from the floor, the proposed slate of officers was adopted by acclamation.




There was no public comment.




MOTION 18-01 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded Cynthia Yin to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2017 meeting as written.  The motion passed unanimously.




·         MOTION 18-02 was made by Vivian Pagoulatos and seconded by Cynthia Yin to adopt the Township of Bernards Employee Handbook of Personnel Policies and Procedures as amended and re-adopted by the Township Committee on January 2, 2018 as the Employee Handbook for all Library employees.  With a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0.

·         MOTION 18-03 was made by Vivian Pagoulatos and seconded by Zina Pozner to adopt a resolution in compliance with the “Public Contracts Law and Regulations” confirming a contractual relationship with Baker & Taylor, Inc. for the purchase of books and other library materials for more than $40,000.00 during 2018.  With a roll call vote, the motion passed 5-0.

·         Kippy reported on demographic information that she had gained by attending the recent Board of Education meeting.  The demographer, Richard S. Grip, Ed.D., indicated that there would not be significant population growth during the next five years.  This information is central when planning library programs and services.




·         Ruth reported that work on the sound and airflow issues in the program rooms has run smoothly.  The contractor is continuing to make adjustments as needed.

·         Ruth also reported that the Library will be able to benefit from another grant enabling it to install LED lights at considerable savings.




A.    Treasurer/Finance—Vivian Pagoulatos

·         Vivian reported that the Library has received its entire 1/3 mill allocation, but it has not yet been distributed to the specific budget lines.

·         The Library’s MAIN assessment has increased by $13,000.


B.    Friends of the Library Liaison—Scott Ross

·         In Scott’s absence, Kippy reported that the Friends are getting ready for their annual fund drive.

·         Scott will have more to report after the Friends’ next meeting in February.


C.   Land and Building—Cynthia Yin

Cynthia reported that work is progressing on the Program Room renovation.  The next step will be installing new carpeting and shades.


D.   Legislation & Advocacy—Mary Jane McNally

·         Mary Jane reported that A1427/S2633 has been passed and signed by the governor. 

·         Kippy stated that NJLA will continue to focus on pursuing its long-held goal - an increase in per capita state aid.


E.   Personnel—Mary Jane McNally

Ruth discussed the personnel opportunities and implications presented by Ryan McCloskey’s resignation, Karen Choie’s retirement and other shifts at the circulation desk.  The Board encouraged Ruth to flesh out her ideas for the next meeting.


F.   Policy—Zina Pozner

No report.


G.   Strategic Plan—Santosh Subramanian

Santosh reported that Zina Pozner will replace Scott Ross on the Strategic Plan Committee.  The committee will meet Monday, February 5, 2018. 


H.   Technology—Tim Opremcak

In Tim’s absence, Santosh listed three possible initiatives the committee is considering:  replacing public desktops with laptops, implementing self-checkout, and establishing a lending collection of tablets.


I.      Township Committee Liaison—John Carpenter

No report.




·         MOTION 18-04 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded by Vivian Pagoulatos to adopt a resolution certifying the annual MAIN membership agreement.  With a roll call vote, the motion passed 6-0.

·         In preparation for work on the Strategic Plan, Ruth reviewed the “Summary of Space Assessment and Reorganization of Bernards Township Library June 2012 - April 2017”, a timeline of the Library’s progress in this regard.




·         MOTION 18-05 was made by Santosh Subramanian and seconded by Cynthia Yin to adopt a resolution honoring Karen Choie on her retirement.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         MOTION 18-06 was made by Vivian Pagoulatos and seconded by Zina Pozner to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         The next meeting of the Bernards Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., February 28, 2018.