Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Bernards Township Library

February 28, 2018




Resident Kippy Piedici called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Bernards Township Library Lower Level Conference Room.




In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law of 1975, notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Reception Hall of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge and the Bernards Township Library Public Notices bulletin board; was mailed to The Bernardsville News, Bernardsville and the Courier News, Somerville; was filed with the Township Clerk; and was posted on both the Township’s website and the Library’s website.






4.     ROLL CALL

Present:  Mary Jane McNally, Tim Opremcak, Vivian Pagoulatos, Kippy Piedici, Zina Pozner, and Cynthia Yin

Absent:  John Carpenter, Scott Ross, and Santosh Subramanian

Also Present: Ruth Lufkin




There was no public comment.




MOTION 18-07 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded Vivian Pagoulatos to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2018 meeting as written.  With Tim Opremcak abstaining, the motion passed unanimously.




Kippy alerted the Board to three events of interest:

·         NJLTA new trustee training - Tuesday, March 20 in Clifton, Tuesday, March 27 in Monroe Township or Saturday, April 21 in Mullica Hill;

·         NJLTA Annual Trustee Institute - Saturday, October 27 in East Windsor;

·         MAIN Library Law Forum - Monday, April 9 in Randolph.




·         Ruth reported that the two new part-time employees started in Circulation February 14. 

·         Debbie Merghart and other staff have been compiling statistics tor the Annual report to the State Library.  This report is used to determine the Library’s Per Capita State Aid.

·         Ruth reported that both the 2016 and 2017 issues of The Bernardsville News are now available in the Library in digital format. 

·         Leisure Learning registration brochures have been sent out for the spring semester that starts March 19.

·         Work on the sound and airflow issues in the program rooms has concluded.  Small adjustments to control the HVAC noise continue.  Staff are learning how to use the newly installed AV equipment. 

·         New carpet and shades have been ordered for the program rooms.  DPW staff will remove the existing carpet.

·         Ruth reported that the Library will be able to benefit from a Direct Install grant enabling it to purchase LED lights valued at $4,500 for $1,325. 

·         Ruth also reported that after an inspection by the Fire Marshall, the Library had addressed the violations that were easily remedied and is investigating two others that require further study. 




A.    Treasurer/Finance—Vivian Pagoulatos

·         Vivian reported that the Library has received its entire 1/3 mill allocation, but it has not yet been distributed to the specific budget lines.

·         Line 241 will need additional attention because of roof repairs necessitated by a recent leak.


B.    Friends of the Library Liaison—Scott Ross

In Scott’s absence, Kippy reported that the Friends met February 12 in preparation for their Annual Fund Drive.  Solicitation letters will be mailed both to new residents and to previous donors.


C.   Land and Building—Cynthia Yin

Included in the Director’s report


D.   Legislation & Advocacy—Mary Jane McNally

Mary Jane distributed a report summarizing the implications of the cuts to library funding in the proposed federal budget.


E.   Personnel—Mary Jane McNally

·         MOTION 18-08 was made by Mary Jane McNally and seconded by Tim Opremcak to adopt a resolution acknowledging the appointment of Sapna Singhvi as part-time Library Assistant – Adult Circulation.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         MOTION 18-09 was made by Mary Jane McNally and seconded by Zina Pozner to adopt a resolution acknowledging the appointment of William Hannis as part-time Library Assistant – Adult Circulation.  The motion passed unanimously.


F.   Policy—Zina Pozner

No report


G.   Strategic Plan—Santosh Subramanian

Kippy reported on a meeting with architect Anthony Iovono to explore the next stage of the renovation.  Mr. Iovino listened to staff describe current patterns of use and focused on exploring new use of existing space, the lower corridor, display space, and traffic flow.


H.   Technology—Tim Opremcak

No report



I.      Township Committee Liaison—John Carpenter

No report




            There was no Old Business.



·         MOTION 18-10 was made by Tim Opremcak and seconded by Mary Jane McNally to close the Library on Saturday, March 31 to allow for cleaning of the HVAC ducts and carpet if the vendor schedule allows.  The motion passed unanimously. 

·         MOTION 18-11 was made by Zina Pozner and seconded by Tim Opremcak to adjourn the meeting at 8:07.  The motion passed unanimously.

·         The next meeting of the Bernards Township Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., March 28, 2018.